The OAC User Group (OACUG) was formed in late 2006 with the mission of promoting the use of the National Statistics Output Area Classification (OAC) and area classifications. The User Group is affiliated to the RSS’ Statistics User Forum.
The Group is focussed around the well established methods and output of area classification, but OAC is distinctive as it is in the public domain – a basis for ‘open geodemographics’ – encouraging interchanges between sectors on issues ranging from the underlying statistical methodology to interactive graphics for effective presentation. This open approach is possible as a result of relatively recent changes in the policy on access to government information.
The aims of the Group are to help users apply OAC, to provide opportunities to share experience and build expertise, and to help advances to be made through new methods and applications, operating through open meetings, a self help network, and a dedicated website, enabling it to represent the interests of the OAC user community.
Any documents relating to the administration of the OAC User Group can be found [here]
For information about OAC see our getting started section: [link]